Thursday, June 18, 2009



I ran a mile without slowing down or taking a break! It took me ten minutes! I know for a ll you marathon runners out there this may not seem like a big deal, but this is the first time in my life I have ever ran a mile without stopping! I am not a very good runner, and never have been, but I'm getting there! Yay for me!

Monday, June 8, 2009

7 days down...

83 more to go!
I have finished week one of my P90X and I am really enjoying it! I haven't lost any weight, but yesterday I wore a skirt that is normally tight on me, but this time it wasn't so snug. That was a good feeling. I am still doing my running program (C25K) as well. I am excited to see where I will be after 30 days. Maybe I will post my before pictures along with the 30 day pics if there is a noticeable difference. The hardest part of this whole thing (besides eating healthy, which I am still working on) is going to be when I make my trip up to Boise. I am determined to make it work though!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tomorrow it begins!

I am starting P90X
I am hoping that doing this and my C25K won't kill me! I might have to drop the running if it gets to be to much, but I am going to try and keep up with both! In 90 days I hope to be a new woman!

Monday, May 25, 2009


So, my friend Cadence turned me on to this program called C25K, or couch to 5k. It is a nine week running program that is designed to help you get off the couch, or the computer chair as the case may be, and run a 5k race. It is a great program that anyone can do. I am just starting week 2. The first week consisted of a five minute warm-up walk, then run for 60 seconds and walk for 90. You keep that pattern up for 20 minutes and then a five minute cool down walk. I am really hoping to be able to run a 5k when it's all said and done. I'm also hoping that after 9 weeks of running I'll lose a pant size or two. We shall see! 

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm in pain!

But it's worth it!
Saturday morning, I got up way to early! A friend of mine was having a yard sale, so I threw the baby in the jogging stroller and headed over to her place to check it out. This was around 7:30 a.m.! It was a nice little stroll. Not too far, maybe a mile total. I ran a little and walked a little. 
Then at 11:00 a.m. I headed to the gym for an aerobic instruction class. They are looking for a couple people to instruct different classes at the gym, so about a dozen of us were there to show off whether or not we had any potential. For 2 hours we did a step aerobic routine. I had only done one step aerobic class in my life, when I was like 15, and there was a reason I never did it again!!!
I have to say, I had a blast! We even each had the opportunity to get up a instruct the rest of the class! Microphone and everything! Oh yeah, it rocked!
After that, we did 20 to 30 minutes of Zumba. So much fun! That was my first time doing an actual Zumba class. This whole time I've just been getting it off YouTube! I have to say, the Zumba instructors here are amazing!!! 
Well, I guess I am pretty out of shape, cuz now it feels like my legs are on fire. We'll call it a good burn though! I'm not sure I have what they were looking for in an instructor. I will say, what I lack in coordination, I make up for in personality and enthusiasm! I hate it though, when I'm not the best at something! So, now I might have to go get a gym membership just so I can attend every class and be the best! LOL practice makes perfect, right?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have a new workout! It's Zumba, a latin dance cardio kinda thing. It's tons of fun and a serious workout. I don't have any tapes, so I've just been following some routines from YouTube. The gal whose house we are renting and another gal in our ward who is moving soon are both Zumba instructors. So, since one is gone and the other is leaving the gym that they work at needs to hire someone new. It's something I'm looking into, but since I've never Zumba 'd before this last week I'm not exactly a front runner I'm sure. I'm having a great time though, and getting my butt kicked in the process!

Monday, April 27, 2009


I decided, with much hesitation I must add, to hop on the scale this morning. It has been a week and, like I said in my previous post, I feel more flabby than when I started! But lo and behold; I've lost 3 lbs. I even weighed myself after I had eaten breakfast. There is hope!!! I was starting to feel like maybe I had some kind of medical condition where eating right and working out was making me fatter! This gives me the motivation on need to keep going! YAY!