Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tomorrow it begins!

I am starting P90X
I am hoping that doing this and my C25K won't kill me! I might have to drop the running if it gets to be to much, but I am going to try and keep up with both! In 90 days I hope to be a new woman!


  1. Ah man! I want this sooo bad. Several classmates are doing it to prep for our 20 year reunion. Bring it with you when you come to town. Of course you will have to because your 90 days won't be up yet!

    I have joined a 21-day challenge to do something simple but progressive everyday for 21 days straight. I will run a mile a day for the first 21 days of June to help prep for the Main Street Mile race on June 26th. You will be here then won't you? It is only a mile so it would be a good test for both of us.

  2. I will be there then, and I'll bring my dvd's for ya! If I haven't killed over yet I would love to run the main street mile with ya.
