Monday, May 25, 2009


So, my friend Cadence turned me on to this program called C25K, or couch to 5k. It is a nine week running program that is designed to help you get off the couch, or the computer chair as the case may be, and run a 5k race. It is a great program that anyone can do. I am just starting week 2. The first week consisted of a five minute warm-up walk, then run for 60 seconds and walk for 90. You keep that pattern up for 20 minutes and then a five minute cool down walk. I am really hoping to be able to run a 5k when it's all said and done. I'm also hoping that after 9 weeks of running I'll lose a pant size or two. We shall see! 


  1. sounds cool. I have been doing terrible with exercising- ever since Idaho I just can't get back in the groove! Then I made the mistake of making choc. chip cookies- good ones! Needless to say, my weight is up as well! SHOOT.

  2. Hey, let's find a 5K to do together this Fall when I get back!!

  3. What a neat program!!! I've been checking it out, and I'm excited to start on it! (Probably take me more than 9 weeks, but hey, anything is better than what I'm doing right now, LOL!)

  4. there's a 5K her in Sierra Vista July 25th and a triathalon Aug. 22 get to it!!
